2013: The Year in Review


Here are a handful of my favorite posts from the past year. It's a bit of a mixed bag (peaks and valleys and whatnot). I hope you'll find something of value -- much more to come in the new year.

Thanks for stopping by!

My thoughts on inequality in the context of H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine." (If you're wondering why I'm always muttering about Morlocks and Eloi...)

Stephen King produced a non-fiction Kindle single in the wake of the Newtown tragedy. He recommended a handful of common sense changes to gun laws which could help make us all safer, while not trampling on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Sadly, none of these suggestions have come to fruition, but the book is a very worthy read.

Short answer: It's hard to imagine, but probably so.

The traditional career path is dead. Long live making it up as you go!

Another reach into territory I probably have no business visiting, but "what needs fixing" being what it is...

My call to action for the CSR/Sustainability crowd to dig in and make a difference in 2014.

I get chills and my eyes water every time this song kicks off. So wonderfully hopeful.

It's funny that a mere year ago I thought we might be backing in, rather than diving in head first.


That's all I've got. See you on the flip side!
