Are you ready to "Embrace the shake?"

Phil Hansen

I had the pleasure of meeting Phil Hansen (@Philinthecircle) at the recent Sustainable Brands conference in San Diego. Phil is an artist who had to overcome, well, I should probably leave the story to him. I'll just say that I was inspired by his talk, and that I think you'll come away from watching this with a new perspective on limits.

Enjoy. (I sure did.) [youtube=]

I'm proud to post this on Father's Day as my pop (and mom) taught me to believe I could do whatever I wanted in life. There was a time I lost sight of that, but since I've renewed that belief (in no small part due to the support of my wife) my life has been on a different trajectory where possibility abounds. I encourage you to cultivate the same outlook. To paraphrase John Marshall Roberts (another incredible speaker at the Sustainable Brands conference), you have to remove your own inner barriers to change.