How Can We Help? (CSR Professionals Unite!)

Image by: SweetOnVeg

I'm reading a collection of essays, "What Are You Optimistic About?: Today's Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better," which features the musings of over 150 thought leaders. It has been an interesting read so far. One of my favorites came from Martin Rees (Former President of the Royal Society), a scientist who once estimated "there was only a 50% chance that civilization would get through 2100 without a disastrous setback." As un-optimistic as that may sound, he was still readily able to give reason for hope. Lord Rees' optimism springs from a host of opportunities, but he singled out clean energy as his top priority. Check out the conclusion to his essay:

This goal deserve(s) a priority and commitment from governments akin to that accorded to the Manhattan project or the Apollo moon landing. It should appeal to the idealistic young—indeed I can't think of anything that could do more to attract the brightest and best of them into science than a strongly proclaimed commitment, from all technologically-developed nations, to take a lead in providing clean and sustainable energy for the developing and the developed world.

The full essay is available here:

Could we do that?

The book got me thinking that I could do something similar with my CSR colleagues. I thought we could all write a short essay based on the idea of, "My one piece of advice...," to help share an important idea or perspective which might help others in the profession. I'd like to gather several articles to put in an eBook which all contributors would be welcome to share from their sites. It'll take work, but with a little help finding contributors, I think we can make it happen.

If you're interested in participating, leave a note in the comments, or ping me on Twitter. I'm casting a wide net, so you don't need to have CSR in your job title. If you work in a related field, or just have a passion for helping businesses improve their efforts around a broad spectrum of responsibilities, you're welcome to join the fun. The more the merrier!

What's the big idea?

I have a couple of ideas rolling around for my essay, one based on behavioral economics and the other on the importance of regularly freeing yourself from the weeds to reassess the big picture. So, what do you think? What would you want to share? Is there a topic you're passionate about that you think could make a positive contribution?

What are you waiting for? Throw your hat in the ring! All comers are welcome, no, encouraged to join the fray. No essay is too short or long. No idea too insignificant. If you have something you want to share, I want to help you share it.

Can we count you in?

So there's the ask. Can we co-create something which can help advance our profession, and in doing so, make the world a better place?

I'm certain we can. All we need is your help...

Image by: Cristian Bernal | townhero

Not sure where to start?

Follow Goethe's advice from the pic at the top of the post. It works for me. :)