How do we scale the circular economy?

Jo Confino

I watched an excellent panel today (hosted by Guardian Sustainable Business) on the ongoing transition to the circular economy. GSB's Jo Confino led the discussion which included ideas from Liz Goodwin, the CEO of WRAP, Rob Boogaard, acting president and CEO of sustainability vanguard Interface, and Estelle Brachlianoff, senior executive vice president of Veolia UK and Ireland.

I wasn't able to embed the video, so here's a link, and I've included a couple of comments below that really spoke to me.


On the circular economy: "It's really just a way of talking about how we use resources, so it's about starting off by using as few resources as possible and then trying to make sure that they stay in the economy as long as possible.

-Liz Goodwin

You need to uproot business fundamentals.

-Rob Boogaard

What makes it complex also makes it exciting.

-Estelle Brachlianoff

It could actually contribute to the economy. Some work done by McKinsey suggested that globally it could yield a trillion dollars in benefits.

-Liz Goodwin