Is it ethical for writers to use AI?

Will it matter?

ChatGPT is a chat-based language model that uses machine learning to generate text in response to prompts. The model is trained on a massive amount of text data, allowing it to generate human-like responses that can be used for a variety of purposes, including writing.

Using ChatGPT to draft written works raises a number of ethical concerns. Some argue that it is essentially a form of plagiarism, since the text generated by the model is not original and is essentially copied from the data it was trained on. Others argue that it is simply a tool that can be used to help writers come up with ideas and improve their writing, similar to how a thesaurus or a writing coach might be used.

Here is a sample response from the ChatGPT service to the prompt, "Write an opinion on the ethical concerns around using ChatGPT to draft written works":

The ethical concerns around using ChatGPT to draft written works are complex and multifaceted. On one hand, the use of a language model like ChatGPT can be seen as a form of cheating, since it allows writers to produce text without putting in the hard work and effort that is required to truly create something original. On the other hand, ChatGPT can also be seen as a valuable tool that can help writers overcome writer's block, generate new ideas, and improve their writing skills. Ultimately, the decision to use ChatGPT should be left to the individual writer, who must weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks in the context of their own work.

I need to apologize. ChatGPT wrote everything before this paragraph. I wanted to show you how easily the system can reasonably approximate a desired output based on a simple prompt. Here's the prompt I used for the text above.

Write something introducing what ChatGPT is and then discuss the ethical issues around writers using ChatGPT to draft their work. Is it akin to plagiarism, a helpful tool, or something else?. Close by sharing a sample from the ChatGPT service with the following prompt, "Write an opinion on the ethical concerns around using ChatGPT to draft written works."

The video below shows the ChatGPT system doing its thing. It took me longer to write the three-sentence prompt than it took the system to write seven paragraphs.

This technology raises multiple questions. Along with the ethical concerns shared in the text drafted by the ChatGPT system, there’s also the potential to replace journalism jobs with technology.

It’s also worth considering how this tech might be used for ill. In the era of “flooding the zone with shit,” those who would do so have just received a free upgrade.

I could see a lot of good being done with this system, but the potential for harm feels large. While I thought about how I should convey this point, I gave the system another prompt. “Is there potential for ChatGPT to cause harm?”

Here’s the response I received:

As a language model, ChatGPT does not have the ability to cause physical harm. However, it is important to use language models in a responsible way, as they can generate text that may be offensive or harmful if used improperly. It is up to the user to ensure that they use language models in a way that is respectful and ethical.

As long as everyone does the right thing, we should be fine.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts here or via social media and I’ll write a follow-up post if I get enough replies to do so.