My Brexit Wager - Check back November 1

Boris Johnson is running a confidence game against the United Kingdom. In the end, he'll point fingers in every direction as he runs away from the mess he's made. For now, he's pumping his base up with stories of grandeur, stringing people along as is his wont. But the deadline is real and the problems to come look to be severe.

The pain, as ever, will be tilted towards those in the worst position to bear it. Unless the Johnson cabinet changes its tack, the UK will hurtle out of the EU and into unknown waters at the end of October. By then, the idea that Boris was working to unite the UK will have been laid plain as it's replaced with the reality of a no-deal Brexit.

Anyways, the point of this post is to call out this tweet from the UK Prime Minister's twitter account. My wager is on the table. Let's hope I lose.

Here's a screenshot of the tweets, in case theirs manages to disappear.