First they came for the Greeks

This week began with a debate in Greek Parliament called by the Official Opposition (the troika’s main, but not only, domestic cheerleaders) for the purposes of, eventually, indicting me for daring to counter the troika while minister of finance in the first six months of 2015. The troika who had staged a bank run before I moved into the ministry, who had threatened me with bank closures three days after I assumed the ministry, and who proceeded to close down our banks, now moved to charge me with… bank closures and capital controls. Like a common bully, the troika proved immensely keen to blame its victims, and to violate and vilify anyone who dares resist its thuggery.

My reaction to the troika’s charges, and threat of being pulled up in front of a judicial inquiry , was simple: “Bring it on!” “I shall face you”, I challenged them “in any forum you want: in an amphitheatre, a TV station, even a court room!” In the end, they chickened out and the parliamentary motion was defeated as some of them (a small party usually fully in troika’s clasps) strategically voted against. -Yanis Varoufakis

This has been obvious for a long time, but for it to be admitted is breathtaking. As Professor Varoufakis states, this is a singular moment from which to undo the horrors of recent years, and plot a better path forward. But if not forced out, the perpetrators will gladly stay the course. And they have to be run out now. The protests this should engender should (and need to) be massive. Outrage is the order if the day.