The Tory Party is a Rogue Entity

Shut down the sham leadership election

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss virtual call US Summit for Dem… | Flickr

Liz Truss has tendered her resignation and promised her successor would be chosen within a week. (Boris Johnson is reportedly putting his hat in the ring because “it is a matter of national interest.”🤣🤣🤣🤣)

For comparison, it took two months from the time when Boris announced his resignation to the highly questionable selection of Truss in early September. The Tory party spent two months going through its convoluted process, which gave them Truss last month and Johnson back in 2019. That process is detailed in the image below.

Why would they squeeze a two-month process into a week when the last effort ended in catastrophe? The answer is simple. They don’t want to give the people any time to think about what they’re doing.

This Tory party has lost all credibility and can no longer govern. Everyone knows this. If they had a shred of decency, they’d be calling a snap election. Instead, they’re putting their own needs before those of the nation.

They’re trying to cram a new leader in before the people can come together to demand a snap election. Don’t let them.
