What are you reading?

A little of this and that.

I started collecting books earlier this year in anticipation of finishing up school this summer. I've loaded up on titles around business, climate change, ethics, justice, philosophy and science and expect to be reading on related topics fairly exclusively over the coming years. As I put my academic career in the rearview, I'll be looking for the leverage points described in Donella Meadows' iconic essay (If you haven't read it, I highly recommend checking it out right away.) and will be looking for the keys unlock those leverage points. (Any suggestions to that end are very welcome.)

I just finished Michael Sandel's "What Money Can't Buy," a book which questions how what was once a market economy, where we could exchange goods for money, became a market society, where everything has a price. I do believe it will challenge the beliefs of the invisible hand's most ardent supporters.

I'm now in the middle of E. O. Wilson's "The Creation." Professor Wilson's book is a call to religious and non-religious folks to set aside metaphysics and work together for the mutually beneficial goal of averting climate change. I've found it come from an open heart, with an olive branch extended. I hope others are experiencing it in the same light.

We've got a 3,000 mile trip ahead of us next week, so I'm sure I'll get a little further down this list then. I think I'll dive into Christian Parenti's "Tropic of Chaos" next. Parenti, an acclaimed investigative journalist, has pointed his lens at the regional strife which climate change is already contributing to. The work is a clarion call for us to get with the program before these issues expand.

Now that I've shared what I'm reading, how about telling me what's on your night stand? More importantly, could you share why you're reading it? Take a moment to share in the comments section and you might inspire others to do the same. As Bluto Blutarski said in Animal House, "Don't cost nothin'."


John Hagel shared the following on FB this morning. As I've lived by the following algorithm my whole life, I thought it important to pass it along.

Source: explore.noodle.org